Zynga isn't wasting anymore time in attempting to get you to try out its new Facebook game ChefVille, as the developer has rolled out another cross-promotion in one of its games, offering prizes galore for trying the new game. In this case, the game is CastleVille, and players are being offered Gold Bricks, Alchemists Powders and more for trying and continuing to play ChefVille until they at least reach Level 12.
Players that are willing to stick with ChefVille until the 12th level (which shouldn't take you anymore than a week if you're active) will be able to return to their Kingdom in CastleVille to receive 15 Gold Bricks, 6 Alchemist Powders and a +60 point energy drink. As was the case with the Ville promotions, all of these items aren't given away in bulk; instead, you'll earn them in waves for reaching Levels 3, 7 and 12 in ChefVille.
For a complete look at ChefVille, make sure to check out our guides, cheats and tips, and add yourself to our Add-Me Page for a chance to earn tons of extra neighbors that will help you advance in the game fast. Good luck!
What do you think of this ChefVille promotion in CastleVille? Had you already started playing ChefVille on your own, or will you now go out of your way to play for these prizes in CastleVille? Sound off in the comments!
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Source: http://blog.games.com/2012/08/20/castleville-chefville-promotion/
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