Monday, April 2, 2012

The United States of Songs: Tennessee

And we're back! Sorry for the unannounced week off, but my sister was visiting from out of town and I decided to burn a vacation day. So here we go again with The United States of Songs, my attempt to put a song to every state in the union. This week we're heading down to Tennessee!

The state: Tennessee

The song: "Tennessee Homesick Blues" by Dolly Parton



I've visited the Volunteer State more than a few times. It was just far enough away from St. Louis to make a great weekend trip, and there was always a music festival of some kind or another going on in Memphis. It's really not all that different from Missouri or Southern Illinois: gentle hills, a muddy river, some C-list metropolitan areas, and lots of agriculture and parks around in the rural parts. But Memphis is the difference maker: Elvis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, and of course Dolly Parton are just some of the names to come out of Memphis. 


Carmack Statue -- Tennessee State Capitol Building Nashville (TN) 2011
To say nothing of their statues.


Aside from the music, there's...uh, the Appalachian Trail! A part of it, any way. My wife aspires to hike the whole thing so I expect to one day die there. As for the song, I realize Dolly's not everyone's cup of tea, but when it comes to Tennessee pride you can't get much prouder. And I feel like Tennessee...ans have that sort of Southern Pride that just calls for a song to declare just how every other place that's not home pales in comparison. 

Tennessee, I like your song. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and feel free to suggest a song for next week when we tackle Texas!

Runner-Up: "Tennessee" by Arrested Development
Most Laughable Suggestion: "Grits" by Tennessee Bwoys


Flickr photo Carmack Statue by Ron Cogswell used under a Creative Commons License.


Sarah Silverman Sarah Wynter Scarlett Chorvat Scarlett Johansson

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